Auschwitz – Birkenau Museum

Itinerary: Auschwitz-Birkenau is the largest concentration and extermination camp built by the Nazis during WWII. It became a symbol of the Holocaust, Nazi crimes against the population and forced labor. It is a place of unimaginable barbarism, where about 1.3 million people were killed. Most of the victims were Jews, but the camps were also a place of martyrdom of Poles, Russians, Roma, Sinti and prisoners of other nationalities. During this trip we visit both the camp at Auschwitz (where you see the displays in the former prison blocks depicting the history of the camp, extermination methods, selection and looting of property, here you also see the only surviving crematorium) and the camp at Birkenau (site of the Gate of Death, wooden barracks, the unloading ramp, the ruins of the crematoria, and Memorial). The tour of the Auschwitz camp takes about 2 h, after 15 min break you visit the site of Birkenau camp (tour there takes up to 1 h).
Highlights: Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum (approx 2 h in Auschwitz camp, then we move by car/coach to Birkenau camp site, tour in Birkenau up to 1 h)
Duration: 7 h