Jewish Traces in Warsaw

Itinerary:     Before WW II Jews constituted 30% of population in Warsaw and were the second largest Jewish community in the world (after New York). During the tour you discover traces of the more than 800-year history and culture of Jews in Poland, which almost completely ceased to exist after the war. All the places we see are to remind the vibrant Jewish life and culture thriving in the city before WW II.
We see the remaining buildings of the former mikveh, houses of prayer, schools, orphanages or hospitals. We visit the Nozyk Synagogue (the only one remaining from before 1939) and the Jewish cemetery, one of the largest in Europe. The tour of the former ghetto area includes, among other things: the Monument of the Ghetto Heroes, Bunker Monument, Umschlagplatz – a last stop for Jews before transportation to the camps. We also see the newly opened Jewish Museum.

Duration:  4 h

Entrance fees: Nozyk Synagogue, Jewish Cemetery, optionally Jewish Museum