Treblinka Nazi camp

Itinerary: We visit the site of the former Nazi labour and death camp in Treblinka, located 100 km north east from Warsaw. The labour camp (Treblinka I) was operating between 1940-44 and was built mainly for the Polish prisoners who were sent here for penal work. The death camp, known as Treblinka II was operating between 1942-43 . In this place of unimaginable barbarism about 800-900 thousand people were killed (it is still difficult to confirm the accurate number). They were mainly Jews from Warsaw and adjacent regions, but also Jewish citizens of eg. Germany, France, Belgium or Bulgaria. After the liquidation of the death camp the Nazis successfully erased the evidence of crime – the crematoria were destroyed, barracks deconstructed, the wired fence was also removed. All the camp site was planted with lupin or reforested. During the tour we see the small exhibition house with eg. a scale model, where you ca see the details of the former camp like little zoo built in the camp area to entertain SS officers. We also see the execution area covered with memorial stones. One of them commemorates Janusz Korczak, a doctor and a pedagogue who turned down safe passage from the ghetto and stayed with the orphaned children entrusted in his care.
Duration: 6 h
Photos: Slawomir Kordaczuk, courtesy of Regional Museum in Siedlce (Muzeum Regionalne w Siedlcach)