Secrets of WW II – The Giant

During WW II Lower Silesia region was located in the very east end of Third Reich, out of a range of Allied bombers. It was to be a shelter for the Hitler’s secrets projects of the highest strategic importance. In this region one can explore the remains of mysterious constructions or facilities of unknown objective, places where the art treasures were hidden, mines… All of them reveal unknown face of WWII and Third Reich. We head to Sowie Mountains to visit the Underground Complex of Osowka, a part of the Hitler’s secret project under cryptonym Riese (The Giant), the mysterious last project of the Third Reich. It was certainly the largest bunker and probably the largest headquarter constructed during World War Two. The construction cost reached 150 million marks, four times more than the construction cost of the Wolf’s Lair. The objective of the project was kept secret. It is claimed to be a secret headquarter of Adolf Hitler or an underground armament factory.